Saturday, June 8, 2013

My visit to a Superhero training camp.

This last Wednesday I got to visit a Superhero training camp,

I arrived at it's secret location at a remote campground. When I got there I was surrounded by heroes-in-training and their Camp Consolers, and I had no idea that there was an impending danger of a satalite being dropped on us by an evil genius.

This started while ago when I was contacted by their Camp Director Danielle and she told me that she was part of a group that plans a summer camp for the Gateway Hemophilia Association (GHA). They had decided that this year the camp's theme was going to be Superheroes. I knew Danielle from back in the day when we both worked for a national retailer that makes their employees wear red shirts. She knew I drew comics and invited me to talk about DIY comics.

When I was led to the dining hall I saw the the place was completely decked out  with Batman, Superman, and Avengers. All of the Campers and Consolers were in costumes. I was also impressed that the camp was also a several day LARP (Live Action Role Playing) session. 
There was a actual storyline that carried across the week about an super villain who was trying to destroy the world and it was up to the Heroes in training to stop her.

Also I was impressed that there was a kid who was there as a KISS superhero with Star Child face paint and he knew about the KISS comics from the late 70's.

I taught the camp about the steps to producing their very own comics, and we still had time to do sketches of campers and Consolers.

This is Dr. T-Bone. If I heard correctly he got his powers by biting into a radioactive steak, although I'm still unclear about what his powers were besides cosmic powered mutton chops.

Next was this brave little girl dressed as Wonder Woman. It was her first year at the camp, but she came up to do her  hero pose so I could sketch it out.

We did also have a Joker...he wasn't so serious.

Then we did also have Super D, Danielle's alter ego.

They were all great kids and I had a fun time talking about Batman, Superman, and Iron Man. Also it was great fun to be able to give tips about methods and materials to aspiring artists.

Well since it's Sunday, it must mean that those Heroes-in-Training must of saved the world from that Super Villain, I just hope that the they faired as well against the mosquitos.

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