Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Watch out Joss...there is another Dollhouse in town.

Our good friend Shannon Hilchie from the Sonic Society and The Library of Jack and Shannon got a new camera and she is putting it to good use. She has created Puki Stories!

The set is a Dollhouse and let the mellow-drama swell!

Artful snap shots and interesting dialogue from familiar archetypes really makes Shannon's doll world really interesting.

Please Shannon do more if you get the chance.

Friday, May 22, 2009

DDMPC_ep_072_The Fair-weather Trekker Show

Show 72-The Fair-weather Trekker Show

You can listen to this show by clicking on the green player on the right hand side or subscribe though RSS or the iTunes link at the bottom of the page.

1.Song: Spock Star by Fump

2.Fair-weather Trekker?

3.Into Thin Air- Jon Krakauer

4. On the Road-by Jack Kerouac



Go to iTunes and subscribe to the new Talkshoe feed!

-the music provided tonight from the PodShow Podsafe Music Network. Check it out at "music.podshow.com"


Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I am validated!

I got a really cool e-mail the other day from Devin Hyde (who I worked with on the Bullet Angelica.) It went a little like this:

"Hey Matt,

I have been at the Toronto Comic Arts Festival for the last two days,
and it has been pretty great. Yesterday I waited in line to meet
Scott McCloud (and his wife). When I got to the front of the line we
chatted for a bit, and he commented that he really liked my shirt, and
was wondering where it was from. If you guessed that I was wearing my
Bullet Angelica shirt then you guessed correctly! I told him it was
for a web comic, the Bullet Angelica, that I used to work on. The
McCloud's laughed a little, and Scott reiterated that he really like
the logo. I agreed that "my friend Matt" did a really good job."

I now feel validated! Scott Mcloud liked the shirt I designed. That's pretty cool...

Thanks so much Devin for the e-mail!

Friday, May 8, 2009

DDMPC_ep_071 The driving show!

You can listen to this show by clicking on the green player on the right hand side or subscribe though RSS or the iTunes link at the bottom of the page.

-Theme song

1.Song: Duct Tape by Smallfish

2.The Big Three
-The Aptera

-the music provided tonight from the PodShow Podsafe Music Network. Check it out at 'music.podshow.com'"

Check out our blog at

for new art, Life as a (h)Asian American, and of course...The Doubledorkmeter Podcast!


Please leave me a review or go subscribe to me at iTunes.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

My first Podcasting Gig!

It's not my first producing gig. But It's my first for someone else!

It's called "Count to Ten: The official Podcast of the Ten Ten Ten Gala".

You can find it in iTunes, or listen to it from the 10.10.10. blog.

Please go and check it out, it's for a really cool event.
Some lucky Bride and Groom are going to get one heck of a wedding on Oct. 10th of 2010, and I get to help document it!

Also I hope to get another Doubledorkmeter podcast up either tomorrow or Friday, so stay tuned.

Be excellent to each other!

Friday, May 1, 2009

DDMPC_ep_070_The I'm Zoomin Show!

Show 71-DDMPC_ep_070_The I'm Zoomin Show!

You can listen to this show by clicking on the green player on the right hand side or subscribe though RSS or the iTunes link at the bottom of the page.

Theme song

1.H2 Zoom

2. Chuck Finale

3.This American Life Live Recording

4.Adam's Apple:Moth Story Slam

5 .Song-Path of most resistance by Sunspot



Please leave me a review at iTunes, and don't forget that I'm switching servers so go to iTunes and subscribe to the new Talkshoe feed!

-the music provided tonight from the PodShow Podsafe Music Network. Check it out at 'music.podshow.com'"
